Paper, Denim + Dollars
TV-MA | 26 MIN
Written by Ian Edelman
Directed by Julian Farino
Ben and Cam track down a tailor to make the 1970s-inspired jeans sample for "Crisp," but discover the fee is a firm $1500. Ben goes to his father for a loan, but his pride stops him from going through with the ask.
Rachel (who works at an interior-design firm for an eccentric boss named Edie) rethinks her future after reconnecting with a friend who's back for a short visit from her Peace Corps stint in Africa.
Eager to get a bigger marketing commitment for his fledgling "Rasta Monsta" drink, Rene makes a buyout offer his marketing partners better not refuse.
Cam peddles Ben's Wilfredo skateboard decks to some rich Upper East Side kids to round up enough money to pay the pattern maker.